Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Praise God in His glory!

If anyone tries to tell you that God doesn't exist or that prayer doesn't work, tell them this story:

Roland HAD an epithelial inclusion. It's a completely benign cyst. It is extremely rare. It's so rare that the surgeon who has been operating for 25 years has never seen a case before. They had to look it up on the internet which is why it took so long. There have apparently only been a few documented cases of this in that area. It was removed and he is now in recovery. He'll have some brusing and be sore for a few days but should be fine. He will go back to school Monday.

On top of that, the inclusion was located away from the testicles so he got to keep both of them! Yet another miracle. God is great indeed.


The doctor has been around 25 years and never saw this, but God has been around a lot longer and knows all about this.

If you can't tell Gina and I are on top of the world! The emotional rollercoaster we have been on has been intense but the final stop was fantastic. We are so happy! ! !

As I said Roland is in recovery but we should be leaving fairly soon. I'll update this blog later tonight and let you know he's doing.

Thank you again for all the people that said even the smallest prayer for my son.


mom2jacksonandjacob said...

Hooray! I am SO relieved and thankful for this miracle!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that everything turned out so well!! I have been checking the blog every few minutes hoping to hear some news. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Will continue to pray for you all! Joni

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD! I have been worried all morning and I am so happy for your good news. Let us know if you need anything. Carl, Kathy, Braden, Vickie and baby.

texasDee said...

Roland and Gina,
I just found out about Roland. Thank God! Just want you to know you all are in my prayers of gratitude!!
love ya'll
Aunt Darlene

Bayou Belle said...

wow. incredible. I'm so happy for you all! Happy Holidays! Enjoy them!