Wednesday, December 3, 2008

At the Hospital - waiting

They have an internet connection open to the public here in the sugery waiting area. Roland went into surgery at 8:25 and he is still in the surgery room. at this point. Apparently I was being optimistic in my earlier timetable post.

We arrived on time and everything went fine. Roland was in very good spirits as, at this time anyway, he really likes hospitals. He did not need to get stuck to be put under. He drank a cherry liquid that made him groggy. It took about 10 minutes and we were talking and all of a sudden he became very groggy and they wheeled him off to the o.r. They were going to give him some gas through a mask to really put him under. So it's so far so good.

Anyway, I don't know when I will get to post next but we will let people know as soon as possible,

Keep those prayers coming!


mom2jacksonandjacob said...

Thanks for the update Roland. I cannot do anything but pray for Roland right now...

mom2jacksonandjacob said...

Gina - Thanks for the update! I am rejoicing in your news!!! Our prayers were answered!!!

In case anyone is reading my comment, they have found out the tumor is NOT cancer. This is a miracle!

Roland - We are looking forward to your update.

I love you guys!